I'm Checking Out


Shel Silverstein


Pull back them dark and dusty drapes

And let in some light

Tell the bell-boy come and get my trunk

'Cause I'm leavin' here tonight

I packed my bags and paid my bill

And I'm turnin' in my key

And if those sad souls down in the lobby ask forme

Just tell'em

I'm checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel

I ain't gonna live on lonely street no more (nomore)

I've found a new love and a new place to dwell

Where teardrops ain't soakin' the floor

So, take down my suitcase and hand me my hat

I'm goin' from sleazy to swell.

Give that desk-clerk a dime

And you can just tell him that I'm

Checkin' out of the heartbreak hotel


Well, you can give that sad bellboy

My old blues guitar

'Cause I'm only gonna sing them sweet songs

From now on, yeah

And you can tell that old bartender

He might as well close down the bar

Cause Chug-a-Luggin' Sally's packed an' gone

Through that gray windowpane

It always looked like rain

But there's sunshine outside I can tell

So open up that door, I'me leavin'

An' I won't be back no more

I'm checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel

Checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel 

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