Af hverju er allir vondir viš okkur.

Hér er ręšubrot sem forseti vor hélt  3 maķ 2005 ķ Walbrook Club ķ London sem ég tel aš hafi skipt miklu mįli varšandi millirķkjadeilu okkar viš Breta og lķtinn samningsvilja af žeirra hįlfu.


Distinguished business leaders 
Representatives of the media  
Ladies and Gentlemen 

Recently, I have often found myself cornered at various functions, especially here in London, and pressured to explain how and why daring Icelandic entrepreneurs are succeeding where others hesitate or fail, to reveal the secret behind the success they have achieved. 
    It is of course tempting to let it remain a mystery, to allow the British business world to be perplexed.  This mystery would give my Icelandic friends a clear advantage, a fascinating competitive edge - but when my friend Lord Polumbo asked me to speak on this subject at the distinguished Walbrook Club, I could not decline the challenge. 
    It is indeed an interesting question how our small nationhas in recent years been able to win so many victories on the competitive British, European and global markets, especially because for centuries we were literally the poorest nation in Europe, a community of farmers and fishermen who saw Hull and Grimsby as the main focus of their attention, a nation that only a few decades ago desperately needed to extend its  fishing limit inorder to survive, first to 12 miles, then to 50 and finally to 200 miles. Each time Britain sent the Navy to stop us but each time we won - the only nation on earth to defeat the British Navy, not once but three times.  With this unique track record, it is no wonder that young entrepreneurial Vikings have arrived in London full of confidence and ready to take on the world! 


Svo lķkur Ólafur ręšu sinni meš žessum oršum.


 "You ain't seen nothing yet". 


 Ręšan Öll Styšja Icesave meš fyrirvara
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon

not too sure about that, but oli needs a few lessons in Diplomacy........It all seemed so childish ????. I think the British just want the money back that was stolen from them. It really is that simple.....

Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 6.8.2009 kl. 10:59

2 Smįmynd: Gušmundur Jónsson

Money back you say?

They already got there money back you see, the UK government got a bank rescue pack from ECB and that along side printing GB pounds, mad it possible for The UK to insure and pay for al bank scandals in UK Icelandic or not.

And what’s more, if you think some money actually was stolen from Icelandic banks, that money is still in UK. and the part that is not inside UK is on tax free islands such as Births Virgin island and Cayman Islands. It is not in Iceland.

If you lose your valet you don’t just turn to the person next to you whit out knowing she actually stole it and demand your valet back

Gušmundur Jónsson, 6.8.2009 kl. 12:38

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